Nordic Governmental digital Conference on Physical Activity

27 oktober 2022
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How can we increase the level of physical activity in the Nordic countries? Get examples from your neighbour countries, exchange experiences and learn from good practice. How can we collaborate across sectors, across countries for both immediate effects and long-term gains? It`s time to get inspired and gain knowledge together on how we can get our societies on the move.

cyklist, gående, promenera, cykla

Learn more about:

· Collaboration across sectors and levels
· Working practice from the communities and effective interventions
· How work on physical activity can help to achieve the sustainability goals
· Long-term economic gains for the society with an active population, and a lot more

Five parallel sessions:
Effective interventions, Planning, School, Leisure time and Digital tools

Våra medarbetare Emeli Adell och Christian Dymén är föredragshållare på konferensen och berättar om TravelVu och Bikeable city.