Sustainable shared mobilities webinars
This spring/summer the Climate-KIC SuSMo project will hold a series of online webinars. The webinars kick off 4th May and will run once a week in May and June. The focus will be best practices and the latest topics within shared mobility.

This webinar is led by Trivector:
16th June, 12:00 – 13:00 CET (11:00 – 12:00 BST): This is how Gothenburg is expanding the shared mobility scene
- Introduction
Axel Persson, Trivector - The road to the next bike share scheme in Gothenburg – Planning, procurement and integration with e-scooters
Sara Boije af Gennäs, Trivector - Mojo – Campus MaaS and hub demonstrator, Business model and efficient procurement for a sustainable mobility
Rasmus Sundberg, Trivector - Car sharing – Mobility styles and key factors for behavior change
Cecilia J Bergstad, associate Professor in Psychology. Researcher in the environmental psychology group at the University of Gothenburg.
Sara and Rasmus are consultants at Trivector, they will present two innovative cases of shared mobility that has been implemented in Gothenburg – the second largest city in Sweden. Cecilia will present some highlights from STARS, which stands for Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS, a multidisciplinary project funded by EU and Horizon 2020.
More information
SuSMo – European network studies how shared electric vehicles can support transport decarbonisation